2024 Picnic Poll

Buffet or Catered?

2023-01-04Updated: 2023-01-05 Cañon Car Club

For years now, the Canon Car Club has hosted a Friday Night Picnic for all Car Show Attendees.  The Picnic is free of charge to all participants and their families - Hot dogs are the main course and Canon Car Club members (mostly their wives!) provide a wide selection of side dishes, salads, cookies, cakes and other deserts!

We have seen that some other events offer a catered meal and the Club has had some internal discussions about going that route for our future events, perhaps 2024.  In-N-Out Burgers, for example, might be an interesting option but are also a potential added expense.

Since the Picnic is for you, our Car Show Participants, we thought it best to get your input!

Would you be interested in a catered dinner, say In-N-Out Burgers, for next year’s (2024) Friday Night Picnic Dinner; Car Show entry fee would include 2 persons per car, $10 per extra dinner.

Canon Car Club would still provide a selection of additional side dishes and desserts!
